NOTICE OF AWARD for LGU GUA 10-14~s~2024 July 5, 2024 BAC Advisories / Announcements 0 Project TitleYear Procurement of 380 vials of Influenza Vaccines Quadrivalent for LGU Employees (LGU GUA 10-24)2024 Procurement of Medicines to be used at RHU I, II, III, and III-Extension for 3rd & 4th Quarter for the Year 2024 (LGU GUA 11-24)2024 Purchase of One (1) Unit Service Vehicle (Pick-up) for the use of the Guagua Fire Station (LGU GUA 12-24)2024 Procurement of food items (eggs and fresh milk) to be distributed to malnourished children in 31 Barangays of Guagua (Nutrition Program under GAD) (LGU GUA 13-24)2024 Procurement of food items (grocery items) to be distributed to malnourished children in 31 Barangays of Guagua (Nutrition Program under GAD) (LGU GUA 14-24)2024